Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Latte Factor

I am not a lazy person. I enjoy setting challenging goals and taking on too many tasks and responsibilities, and I almost always get my projects done on time. But I have a not-so-secret secret: I L.O.V.E. to sleep in. That extra 7 minutes of sleep I get after hitting the snooze button is like heroin to me. I have tried placing my alarm clock on the other side of the room - I just get back in bed. I have tried multiple alarms - I just hit them each and go back to sleep. I have tried setting the clock fast - I just do the math. I hate to get out of bed in the morning.

This habit is starting to cost me big money. I have started sleeping past train time in the morning, which is causing me to pay for gas and parking at school. Even on days when I would have to drive anyway, I sleep in too late to park in the city and ride the train a couple of stops to campus. It is really starting to tick me off.

So, "in public" I am committing to ride the train every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and to park on a surface street every Monday and Tuesday. If you know me (and if you are reading this then you probably do, because this is not the world's most popular blog) then I need you to exert peer pressure. Text me or call me or ask me a question on facebook randomly to make sure I am availing myself of the free public transportation options I have. And if I am wasting my money at the campus parking lot - mock me. Mercilessly. Because I deserve it.


athena said...

If you're less than 10 minutes early you're late.

The Numismatist said...

Oh yes, that can be arranged.

Eris said...

Never less than 10 minutes early for class.... it's the extra 15 minutes I need for the train that kills me.

The Numismatist said...

What time do you want your wake-up call?

Just Casi said... is waking you up.

Although on a side note, I am happy you have been driving, because you have been able to come save me from the swamps of sadness. So Thanks

Unknown said...

Sleep is God's gift to us - and you know what they say, don't mess with God's gifts, so sleep in. And the panic attack you have rushing late to work gets you revved up for teaching - I've been living off it for years!

Mike H. said...

You may have sleep apnea. Getting it treated makes a world of difference.