Today I went to the gym with the Duchess. We did this horrible thing called "Body Pump" which I suspect is a program imported straight from Abu Ghraib and Guantanemo Bay. I headed to the class thinking I'd be ok. I've been running 2+ miles three times a week, biking 6+ miles three times a week and swimming 1,000 meters once a week. I can handle an exercise class, right?
What you don't know about the class is that they use barbells and make you do things like squats and curls and lunges. Yeah, that was great.
I cannot walk down the stairs without holding on to a wall. With each step I take my legs are wobbling back and forth. As I type, I am feeling the ache in my tricep and shoulder muscles.
If you think today is bad just wait for tomorrow. I will be watching for a Tuesday report.
Smile. Can't wait for swimming Friday!! I'll probably drown.
What I wouldn't give to go to the gym and feel that pain. I miss group classes. It's just not the same when your 3 year old is crawling through your legs yelling "tunnel!" with every squat or updog position. I need to check in to the new Gold's that just opened.
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